Hellebore Christmas Rose
The Christmas Rose, or Hellebore Niger brings stunning winter interest from November with white or pink flushed bowl shaped flowers. The low growing, leathery, dark green foliage provides attractive ground cover and Soto love to use it at the front of borders. This Christmas Rose is also a beautiful cut flower.
Plants will be delivered from the last week of March to protect them from frost damage. If you would like them earlier, please get in touch.
A member of the Soto team will be in contact in mid-March to arrange a convenient date for delivery.

Top Tip
Cut back the old leaves as flowers and new foliage appear.
How to care for Hellebore Christmas Rose

Thrives in partial shade but can tolerate sun.

Care Level
The Christmas Rose is easy to look after.

Water this Hellebore well when planting and then frequently in warmer months.

Mulch the Christmas Rose every Autumn with peat free compost.

The Christmas Rose likes the soil to be moist and well-drained.