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Winter Interest

Soto has selected an edit of plants which flourish during the winter, bringing instant impact to your outside space during the cooler months.

Plant type
Hellebore Christmas Rose White Hellebore delivered to your door in a 3L pot.
Hellebore Christmas Rose
2 Litre pot
Christmas Box Sarcococca Confusa white flowering plant throughout winter
Christmas Box
4 Litre pot
Kew Green Kew Green is an evergreen plant that flowers over the winter months
Kew Green
10 Litre pot
Deer Fern Blechnum spicant is a great evergreen fern for your garden.
Deer Fern
2 Litre pot
Acer Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' is the botanical name for this Acer.
15 Litre
Golden Locks Fern Golden Locks is a low maintenance evergreen fern.
Golden Locks Fern
2 Litre pot
Dwarf Mountain Pine Dwarf Mountain Pine brings evergreen structure to your garden.
Dwarf Mountain Pine
8 Litre pot
Ilex Dome - Medium - 30cm The Ilex Dome provides evergreen, year round interest.
Ilex Dome - Medium - 30cm
7.5 Litre pot
Autumn Fern Autumn Fern is also known as the Japanese Shield Fern and is a great choice for shady gardens.
Autumn Fern
2 Litre pot
Irish Green The long, mid-green leaves of the Carex Irish Green grass arch into mounds creating year-long interest.
Irish Green
2 Litre pot
Muehlenbeckia Muehlenbeckia
9cm pot
Mexican Feather Grass Mexican Feather Grass and Geranium Rozanne is a perfect pairing.
Mexican Feather Grass
2 Litre pot
Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass brings green colour and structure to your garden.
Japanese Forest Grass
2 Litre pot
Taxus Dome - Medium - 30cm Taxus Dome comes in a 7.5 litre pot and is 30cm in diameter.
Taxus Dome - Medium - 30cm
7.5 Litre pot
Green Carpet Japanese Spurge provides green colour all year round for your garden
Green Carpet
1.5 Litre pot