Quaking Grass
Quaking Grass, also known as Briza media, has distinctive nodding seed heads which resemble tiny hanging hearts or raindrops. This ornamental grass adds texture and movement to borders.
Soto love this graceful grass for the soft movement and mirror-like quality of the seedheads. This plant has soft purple tinted leaves which fade to buff over the summer. This grass will self-sow or you can collect the seed before it disperses to use the following year.
Plants will be delivered from the last week of March to protect them from frost damage. If you would like them earlier, please get in touch.
A member of the Soto team will be in contact in mid-March to arrange a convenient date for delivery.
Please note, this grass dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring.

Top Tip
Cut back old foliage in the spring to promote new growth. Read our Masterclass guide to see how.
How to care for Quaking Grass

Quaking Grass likes to be in a sunny or partial spot.

Care Level
Easy. Remove spent flowers to encourage prolonged blooming.

Water regularly in the spring and summer.

Plant with lots of good quality, peat-free compost for best results. No further nutrients are needed.

Ensure soil is well drained. Adding grit to your compost when planting will encourage better drainage.