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Plants for shade.

Outdoor Space
Plant type
Pot Collections
Ivy Ivy is a great climber or for trailing and is also known as Hedera helix.
9cm pot
Male Fern Male Fern in a grey concrete effect plant pot.
Male Fern
2 Litre pot
Rozanne Geranium Rozanne has striking violet-blue flowers the shape of saucers.
2 Litre pot
Christmas Box Sarcococca Confusa white flowering plant throughout winter
Christmas Box
4 Litre pot
Hellebore Christmas Rose White Hellebore delivered to your door in a 3L pot.
Hellebore Christmas Rose
2 Litre pot
Ostrich Fern The Matteuccia struthiopteris fern has large green fronds and makes an impact in a shaded garden.
Ostrich Fern
2 Litre pot
Climbing Hydrangea The Climbing Hydrangea has large, lacy white flowers .
Best seller
Climbing Hydrangea
2 Litre pot
Hydrangea Little Lime Large white flowers on green stems of this Hydrangea Little Lime.
Hydrangea Little Lime
7.5 Litre pot
Sweet Box A large evergreen Sweet Box.
Sweet Box
4 Litre pot
Astrantia Roma Astrantia Roma in a medium bamboo pot.
Astrantia Roma
2 Litre pot
White-Ness White-Ness in a pot.
2 Litre pot
English Maidenhair Fern
English Maidenhair Fern
2 Litre pot
Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass brings green colour and structure to your garden.
Japanese Forest Grass
2 Litre pot
Hydrangea Limelight Hydrangea Limelight in a large bamboo pot
Hydrangea Limelight
7.5 Litre pot
Taxus Dome - Large - 40cm Taxus Dome comes in a 10 litre pot and is 40cm in diameter.
Taxus Dome - Large - 40cm
10 Litre pot