Salvia Nachtvlinder
The Salvia Nachtvlinder has rich, deep purple flowers which are loved by pollinators. Soto loves the rich velvet hooded flowers at the end of the long green stems that form this bushy, fragrant plant.
Plants will be delivered from the last week of March to protect them from frost damage. If you would like them earlier, please get in touch.
A member of the Soto team will be in contact in mid-March to arrange a convenient date for delivery.

Top Tip
Salvia Nachtvlinder has a long flowering period. Regularly cutback dead flowerheads to encourage new flowers throughout summer and autumn.
How to care for Salvia Nachtvlinder

Nachtvlinder is happiest in direct sunlight.

Care Level
The Salvia Nachtvlinder is easy to look after.

Water this Salvia well when planting, drought tolerant once established.

Plant with lots of good quality, peat-free compost and add an additional layer in spring.

The Salvia Nachtvlinder likes soil to be well-drained. Adding grit to your compost when planting will encourage better drainage.