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Plants for sunny spaces.

Outdoor Space
Plant type
Pot Collections
Iris Flight of Butterflies
Iris Flight of Butterflies
1.5 Litre pot
Hydrangea Strong Annabelle Hydrangea Strong Annabelle
Hydrangea Strong Annabelle
7.5 Litre pot
Hellebore Christmas Rose White Hellebore delivered to your door in a 3L pot.
Hellebore Christmas Rose
2 Litre pot
Irish Green The long, mid-green leaves of the Carex Irish Green grass arch into mounds creating year-long interest.
Irish Green
2 Litre pot
Rozanne Geranium Rozanne has striking violet-blue flowers the shape of saucers.
2 Litre pot
Royal White White Bedder is known for its beautiful spikes of abundant small tubular white flowers which shine against the deep green foliage.
Royal White
2 Litre pot
Hydrangea Libelle Hydrangea Libelle flowers white against dark green leaves.
Hydrangea Libelle
5 Litre pot
Agapanthus Black Buddhist Agapanthus Black Buddhist comes in a 2L nursery pot (medium).
Agapanthus Black Buddhist
3 Litre pot
Australian Daisy Lots of daisy like flowers which start white and then progress to pink on this Australian Daisy.
Australian Daisy
2 Litre pot
Iceberg The Iceberg rose (Korbin rose) is a fantastic white rose for a part shade garden or outside space.
5.5 Litre pot
Dusky Cranesbill Dusky Cranesbill also known as Geranium phaeum var. phaeum 'Samobor'.
Dusky Cranesbill
1.5 Litre pot
Purple Moor Grass Purple Moor Grass
Purple Moor Grass
2 Litre pot
2 Litre pot
You're Beautiful The You're Beautiful rose was named ‘Rose of the Year' in 2013.
You're Beautiful
5.5 Litre pot
Lady's Mantle Alchemilla mollis in a grey terracotta pot.
Lady's Mantle
3 Litre pot