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Patio & Balcony

The Soto Patio & Balcony collection means the Soto look is achievable for every outside space. Position plants on terraces, in the corner of patios or on your balcony. This is great if you are renting: the plants can go with you when you move.

Plant type
Pot Collections
Ilex Dome - Small - 20cm Ilex Domes comes in a 3 litre pot and is 20cm in diameter. This evergreen plant is perfect for windowsill boxes.
Ilex Dome - Small - 20cm
3 Litre pot
Iris Tropic Night Iris Tropic Night comes in a 2 litre pot.
Iris Tropic Night
1.5 Litre pot
Irish Moss Irish Moss in a pot.
Irish Moss
1 Litre pot
Ivy Ivy is a great climber or for trailing and is also known as Hedera helix.
9cm pot
Lavender Lavender also known Lavandula Hidcote.
2 Litre pot
Mexican Feather Grass Mexican Feather Grass and Geranium Rozanne is a perfect pairing.
Mexican Feather Grass
2 Litre pot
Sweet Box A large evergreen Sweet Box.
Sweet Box
5 Litre pot
Taxus Dome - Large - 40cm Taxus Dome comes in a 10 litre pot and is 40cm in diameter.
Taxus Dome - Large - 40cm
10 Litre pot
Taxus Dome - Medium - 30cm Taxus Dome comes in a 7.5 litre pot and is 30cm in diameter.
Taxus Dome - Medium - 30cm
7.5 Litre pot
White-Ness White-Ness in a pot.
2 Litre pot
Wisteria Wisteria in a pot.
3 Litre pot
Hydrangea Strong Annabelle White Hydrangea is perfect for all gardens.
Hydrangea Strong Annabelle
7.5 Litre pot
Chives Chives come in a 1 litre pot (small).
1 Litre pot
Mint Mint in a pot.
1 Litre pot
Oregano Oregano comes in a 1 litre pot.
1 Litre pot