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Patio & Balcony

The Soto Patio & Balcony collection means the Soto look is achievable for every outside space. Position plants on terraces, in the corner of patios or on your balcony. This is great if you are renting: the plants can go with you when you move.

Plant type
Pot Collections
Parsley Parsley in a pot.
1 Litre pot
Thyme Thyme in a pot.
1 Litre pot
Lemon Thyme Lemon Thyme in a terracotta pot.
Lemon Thyme
1 Litre pot
Sage Sage in a pot.
1 Litre pot
Fennel Fennel comes in a 1 litre pot (small).
1 Litre pot
English Maidenhair Fern
English Maidenhair Fern
2 Litre pot
Hydrangea Libelle Hydrangea Libelle flowers white against dark green leaves.
Hydrangea Libelle
5 Litre pot
Green Carpet Japanese Spurge provides green colour all year round for your garden
Green Carpet
2 Litre pot
Irish Green The long, mid-green leaves of the Carex Irish Green grass arch into mounds creating year-long interest.
Irish Green
2 Litre pot
Kew Green Kew Green is an evergreen plant that flowers over the winter months
Kew Green
10 Litre pot
Christmas Box Sarcococca Confusa white flowering plant throughout winter
Christmas Box
5 Litre pot
Acer Acer
15 Litre
Highgrove Highgrove rose can be a climbing rose or is happy to be planted in a pot.
5.5 Litre pot
Iceberg Climber
Iceberg Climber
5.5 Litre pot
Chandos Beauty The Chandos Beauty rose produces apricot flowers throughout the summer until autumn.
Chandos Beauty
5.5 Litre pot